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Laura Maih

vendredi 22 juillet 2011

Voluntary acts

    D.R. - all rights reserved -
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Voluntary acts - these exercises are described in the Method of Dr Roger Vittoz (1923). The Swiss doctor has developed a very simple method of treating neuroses, full of common sense and humanity.

It is about doing a number of acts with the conscious will to do them. Set to start simple, everyday actions to do every hour (or every two hours). Say every time I want (or I have decided).
For example : I want to get up (early morning), I want to sleep (at night), I want to go out, I want to take a cup in the kitchen, shut the door and place it on the table, I want to put an object in a box and close the lid, I want to put a bill in my wallet, etc ... The act is done with constant attention, without distraction from beginning to end.

These simple acts done voluntarily, not mechanically, thinking about something else, are very useful also to regain or enhance memory when it is weak or faulty and improve concentration.
So I remember well, and I'm sure the door is closed, the box closed, the bill in the wallet. I have no doubt or worry.
I also do an action because I will, not in a fuzzy, vague and approximate manner. I walk because I've decided and I feel that my will is in the foreground.

This feeling that the will is in the foreground is very important.
When I was a student I often said I decided ... and it made my friends laugh. I was doing things because I had decided, because I wanted to.

Excerpts from Dr. Vittoz - psychic effect of control actions :
"We have seen psychasthenics (synonyms depressed, neurotic) cured by this simple process" ...
"Note also that the conscious or voluntary act is more serious in the brain ; so the patient will remember what he did and his memory, which was completely lacking, will end up slowly ...
The controlled act must give rather a feeling of rest (do not to much effort) ...
In addition, it requires the patient to live in the present, to put the brain in a state of unity and rest ...
His confidence in himself reborn. "

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