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Thanks to everyone who comes to visit this Blog...
Cyber meeting place where those who do not consult will become consultants.
Laura Maih

vendredi 10 juin 2011

Permanent uncertainty and inhibition of the action - Part 2

    D.R. all rights reserved - Giraffe on a school wall - Paris insolite

Do not expect your mind to give you the answer immediately. Eckhart Tolle

Permanent uncertainty and inhibition of the action are the Key Words 3 and 4.
Saying these little phrases is a good way to breathe in a tense or uneasy situation.

"Inhibition of the action !" : I recognize I want, would act, work well but I am prevented from it, retained.
In work, but also in non work when I have no money to spend and can do nothing, or when I have no work to do as I wished to.
It is also psychological, facing a contradictory person, impossible to satisfy...
This little phrase helps to break the feeling of helplessness, of blocking.

"Permanent uncertainty" : I recognize it as a reason for blocking, anxiety.
This little phrase helps to avoid the temptation of guilt, of feeling responsible for the situation.
Try these phrases and tell me, will you !

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